Wednesday, October 12, 2011

true enouph: 9/11 conspiracy

One of the passages in the reading that stood out to me the most was that of the 9/11 conspiracy.  Phillip Jayhan believes that the attacks on September eleventh were without a doubt orchestrated by the American Government.  He claims that there is proof that shows that Flight 175 had a missile attached to the bottom of it.  When I first started reading this I found myself getting angry.  How could someone honestly dispute what happened that day.  But as I kept reading i let my curiosity take me to YouTube, and i watched a few videos explaining some theories.  I have to admit that after watching a few videos, there is some footage of the crashes that seems a little bit shady.  While there is some evidence that may point to a conspiracy, I am certain there was not one.  Some theories also say that there was no planes at all, instead the towers were shot down by cruise missiles that resemble planes.  These theories angered me the most.  My neighbors fiance was on one of those planes.  If there were no planes than what happened to the hundreds of passengers.  This whole thing left me very frustrated and this is a classic example of people using "selective perception" in order to believe what they want to believe.

1 comment:

  1. I disagree Drew. This society has come to survival of the fittest, and now after hearing Jayhan and Averys' sides of the story, it isn't going too far to say that our government could've done themselves dirty.
